Wow, I seriously can't believe it's only day 2, we've been so busy, doing so many awesome things that I can hardly believe how fast the days go!! Last night, was a good night, except when Mitchell couldn't sleep so decided to work out at 4am, which woke our whole apartment up, and probably the apartment below us.... it turns out when you run on hardwood in an apartment building, the thuds wake people up.. shocker!
Well, today was busy busy busy, first we went to the town of Potsdam, a city right outside Berlin which housed the Royalty, until 1918, and then was occupied by Russians for most of the 20th Century. The main castle is Sans Soucci, the castle for Frederick the Great. It's Beautiful...

My backyard looked like this once.... until the lawn mower broke....

Anybody want to climb some stairs... it'll be qutie the work out.... they were made extra wide because in the 18th century, the lady's skirts were huge... like in the King and I....

I don't know if you know this... but I LOVE TRELLIS!!! HAHAHAHA!! Thanks Irvington...

I was trying to re-create 16 going on 17, but it didn't really work out.... it turns out the benches have to be closer together.... but i DID love the gardens here... We even got to see the swimming pool too!!!
After we saw the amazing home, and garden of Frederick the Great, we headed to town, had lunch with Uncle Dave, and then we went to a whirlwind tour of Museum Island, and went to the internationally recognized museum, the Pergamon Museum. It was SOO Cool, they have reconstructed the original gate to the city of Babylon... it was AMAZING....

This gate was GINORMOUS, as if facing the Babylonian empire wasn't enough, the sheer size of the gate makes it worse!!

Julius Ceasar is trying to choose a new ruler... CHOOSE ME!!!!!

This is the reconstructed original Pergamon, it is simply amazing, that after over 2000 years, so much of it is still in tact!! This is just me, hanging with my homies.... the Gods of Greece... haha..

This is another original from the Roman empire, from about the time of Christ... I was amazed that it was still in that good of condition, it is a miracle!! All I can say for this picture is....'Don't Cry for Me.... Roman Empire!!!!'

This is another gate to a Roman city, that was buit about 125 BC. It is HUGE!!!! Look how big the people are and how big the gate is!!! Some of it was damaged during air rades in WWII, but most of it is still in really good condition, for being over 2000 years old!!!
We then came home, walked around a few other cites in Berlin, with pictures on Mom's camera, but today was awesome. There is so much to see, tomorrow we are going to an actual concentration camp, which should be a life-changing event, and I'm eager to see it for myself, so I can bear witness that it did indeed happen. Anyway, see you tomorrow!!!
yeah....I'm sure your backyard looked THAT nice...and the gods of Greece are your homies?!WHY HAVEN'T YOU INTRODUCED ME?!?!?! Elder Grant....I mean....JAMES...I miss you soooooooo much!!! And so does my family.....but I miss you the MOST! YOU'RE MY BFF!!!!! I'm glad that you're having fun in Berlin. But admit would be MORE fun if I were there....just kidding! But ya' lots!!!!-Hannah:)(come visit!!!!please?)