My brother Mitchell and I flew from London to Edmunton, Canada, and missed our connecting flight to San Francisco due to delays in London. So... we got to spend a wonderful darkless night in Edmunton... WAY FUN!! We finally got home just 18 hours later than expected... not too bad.
Once I got home, I was in quite the hurry to put together the Fremont Stake's repeat performance of 'Christ - The Light, the Life, and the Way'. I had to travel around the south bay to make sure everybody was rehearsed, and every body did so well. We had over 250 people show up, and the show was practically flawless, just a beautiful performance. It was a highlight of my life to be able to participate in that once again. My dreams keep coming true, better than I dreamed them the first time.
After we performed, I packed up everything I owned, to move to Provo, Utah. Mom and I did a whistle stop tour through Idaho, and got to meet so many amazing people from my mission. It was really awesome, even thou
I got to Provo safely, and moved in with my Aunt Laura and her family. I get my own room, and basically my own bathroom, which is nice. They actually live in Orem, so I just go down to Provo at the BYU campus, each week, where I am an EFY counselor, and simply loving it.
EFY, for those who don't know is a youth camp that our church puts on, and it is simply amazing. We get to have tons of fun, build relationships, and strengthen our faith in Christ, nothing could be better... EVER!!!
And other than that I've been on a major job search for this upcoming school year... no bites yet.... applied at a dozen or so restaurants, and a few other businesses... we'll see.... Catch ya soon!!